THE YEARS 2019-2023

Built in the attic, the layout is 6 foot wide and 45 foot long. During the build the layout was not used, only a pannier tank was used as a test loco. The problem with that was when I tried to run larger tender locos, I had problems with sharp curves, this is being worked on.

Photo taken from the other direction. Although there is bright sunshine in summer, in winter, (as can be seen here), the light is not so good. Even with the electric lights on, it makes photography difficult. However, from April onwards it should get better.

The layout consists of three ovals, two Triang and one 3-rail. E-locos using catenary can use both systems. The large number of transformers is due to Triang using 12v DC and Märklin using 16v AC. Overhead uses both 12v and 16v depending on transformer being used.

If anything I built the layout much too big, a result of wanting to use each item that I had collected. Annologue calls for a lot of isolation switches. There are well over 80 levers and switches! 40 signals etc.

In the far corner is a Märklin loco shed. On the Märklin track runs Märklin locos and Hornby Dublo 3-rail too. In the background running up to the side of the loco shed is a TT track. I have a small collection of TT which trundles in the background.

The Märklin catenary can be seen, the Triang catenary has still to be installed. Signalbox, mailbag collector and signals are all Hornby Dublo items. Triang track is a mixture of Standard, Series 3 and Super 4. All locos up until 1976 can run on it without problems.

A closer view of the station buildings. 3-rail uses Hornby Dublo buildings and Triang in the background has a Triang-Hornby platform. All buildings have lighting, I forgot to turn them on for the photos.

Five lines use the crossings. All have light signals fitted, I will make a video of them all working. The Triang crossings work with a lever, the Märklin crossing is automatic, being activated when the train crosses.

When the levers are set forward the points are at "SAFE" (straight) and when pulled forward are at "DANGER" (curved). Track is isolated when lever is forward. Light signals are only green when lever is pulled forward.
A quick look and it is clear that all points are at SAFE and signals at RED.

The 3-rail track leads off onto another board containg a number of sidings and a turntable.
The far end of the track has the possibility of being extended into the next room.

A closer look at some of the older Märklin items, some of the track is pre-WW2 from 1935.

At the moment this is two sidings, but the left hand one will become a branchline going into the next room. (the track is waiting in a box).

View of the curve on the mainline. Setting the catenary masts so that loco catenary pickup stays under the wire is a hard job of trial and error, but when it works, go down to eye level and it looks super.

The need for storage of locos and a place for the engine sheds, gave me the idea of adding this board. I can still work on the back board by going left and right.

Some of the several hundred cables. If a cable breaks or becomes defective, well just lay a new one!

Rolling stock to be sorted. During the time I was unable to build a layout, I contented myself with building up my rolling stock.

A small collection of Triang Transcontinental and DMUs.

Every cupboard and drawer has been used for storage, I just hope I can find everything. It takes about an hour to find everything for a simple video each Monday.

A collection of tender locomotives, top shelf Hornby Dublo, the rest is Triang.

More Triang locomotives, does collecting ever find an end?