Model railway layout 2012-2018

Due to the re-discovery of a long discarded USB stick, I have recovered images taken in 2013 and 2014. 

The layout was called LAUBAN whilst German and then WADEBRIDGE when I went over to collecting British stock late 2013.


My first attempt at track ballast, although I seem to have overdone the rust effect on the track rails! Buildings are card kits (Superquick). 

The village street, I had just added the street lights Hedges made from cleaning pads..

Ballast still to be layed, but all the lights seem to be working..

27th November 2013

This shows a German goods train and my first GWR loco, both trains are going at amazing speeds, it is a wonder they did not lrave the track!

26th February 2014

First we see a 1951 Princess with plunger pick-ups, this loco seems to go much faster when going backwards. Seen to very good advantage is the mail bags pick-up.

Another view of the station. At that time I only owned one British locomotive, two wagons and a coach!

The village survived three track re-builds during 8 years

The last rebuild was the adding of Hornby Dublo 3 rail track. Both systems ran on the same layout.

Overhead catenary is being added, I do not think the layout was ever finished.

A very early night scene, perhaps even 2011, the German station buildings have not yet been replaced. Rolling stock is East German Piko.

Novel two tier!

The level below was the "modern" system 6 track. The early Rovex Triang locos and wagons would not run on this, the wheels had deep flanges and would bounce along the track sleepers. Not wishing to change my layout at the time, a solution was found, a second tier was added.

The top tier was an oval of track using 1950s track, which allowed me to run a few older items. Trying to keep an eye on the running of two tiers at the same time could be a difficult job! It only lasted about 4 months was a test phase to see if I was going to keep system 6 track or go over to 1950s steel track complete.

One of the earliest images of my layout. East German produced ready to run locomotives and my home made engine shed.

It has become my great passion, electric locos running off live catenary wires. With the lights turned off, one can see the sparks flying off the wires when run at speed. To the right is a dock shunter creeping along.

A 1951 Rovex Princess with plunger pick-ups

To cross points and crossovers, it had to run at speed otherwise it would stall and stop.

This one is fitted with pre-Triang mark 1 couplings. This is my earliest rolling stock made from plastic. (Some of my Hornby Dublo tin plate items date from 1938).

Lovely early items. Although at the time they remained static, as the flanges did not allow them to run on modern nickel track..

The room did not allow for a large layout and every shelf was pressed into service, even if only to allow me to just shunt up and down.

At one point this was my entire collection of Hornby Dublo 3 rail. Well, we all had to staet somewhere.

Collecting Triang and it was only a matter of time before I added the Triang Transcontinental range. The WAB steam loco was built at the New Zealand factory.